Alumni Trending Podcast
Alumni Trending is a podcast that explores the issues that higher education advancement professionals face each day. From episode to episode, you hear the voices of our profession discussing the challenges and opportunities they face and the innovative and creative solutions they deploy. As advancement professionals, we are here to lead a movement, a mobilization of our alumni in service to their alma mater. Listen for ideas. Listen for inspiration. Listen for professional development. Subscribe to Alumni Trending on your favorite podcast app today.
Alumni Trending Podcast
AT23. Engaging Graduate and Doctoral Alumni
Paul Clifford
Season 1
Episode 23
What's Up Trendsetters!
Today, I talk with a panel of experts about engaging graduate and doctoral alumni from alumni relations, career development, and philanthropic perspectives. Our panelists include:
- Anna De Cheke Qualls, Director of External and Alumni Relations, Graduate School, University of Maryland (Linkedin)
- Natalie Lundsteen, Assistant Dean for Career and Professional Development, University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center and Past President of the Graduate Career Consortium (Linkedin)
- Tiffanie Purvis, Director, Office of Gift Planning, University of Maryland (Linkedin)
Our trend lines include:
- what makes graduate and doctoral alumni unique,
- examples of impactful engagement and philanthropic projects, and
- issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion in higher education.